ASM 2021 Conference



A. Beth Oates
(term expires 12/31/21)

University of Kentucky
College of Medicine
Lexington, KY


Matthew Tuttle
(term expires 12/31/22)

University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN

Student Chapters​

KY/TN Branch Area:

University of Kentucky

Faculty Advisor:  Erin Garcia

Student Officer: Jamila Tucker

Mission Statement:

The University of Kentucky ASM Student Chapter is committed to promoting ASM’s mission of advancing the microbial sciences. Our chapter focuses on professional development and scientific outreach. We invite local experts to give seminars, organize professional development workshops, tour industrial sites that practice microbial science, and support primary and secondary science education by hosting/judging local science fairs.

Western Kentucky University

Faculty Advisor:  Rodney King

Student Officer:  Callie Grey

Mission Statement:

The purpose of this organization shall be: (1) promote student interest and enhance microbiology education at Western Kentucky University; (2) promote high school and collegiate student interest in microbiology; (3) further the theoretical and practical knowledge of scientific research; (4) provide educational outreach programs to the community, and (5) promote student participation in local, state and national ASM meetings.

East Tennessee State University

Faculty Advisor: Sean Fox

Faculty Advisor: Dara Young

Mission Statement:

The ETSU chapter of ASM is a society created by and for health science students. This society was created to develop its members into strong professionals in their careers, as well as give them opportunities to give back to their community through education.

We strive to promote the interest and participation of both high school and collegiate students in ASM both locally and nationally, and improve the overall quality of the ETSU Microbiology program. Members learn theoretical and practical knowledge of scientific research, and stay up-to-date on current research being conducted. ASM also gives members many opportunities to make social connections with other students and faculty in the health science programs offered by ETSU. 

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Faculty Advisor:  Gary LeCleir

Student Officer:  Jennifer Hartsell

Mission Statement:

The University of Tennessee – Knoxville Student Chapter of the American Society of Microbiology’s main functions include education and microbiology undergraduate student outreach programs, such as hosting graduate student panels or undergraduate research events in which students can meet with faculty for various research opportunities.

Vanderbilt University

Faculty Advisor:  Ann Tate;

Student Officer: Annie Hatmaker

Mission Statement:

The purpose of this organization shall be; (1) promote student interest in and further improve the quality of Microbiology research at Vanderbilt University; (2) engage in local STEM K-12 educational and other community or institutional outreach; (3) promote student participation in local, state and national ASM meetings; (4) establish trans-departmental and trans-institutional collaborations and networks, and (5) provide aid for students in Microbiology at Vanderbilt University with respect to research and employment.